Smooth-er jazz?

by Paul Burmeister

Being in proximity to my music collection more frequently during the pandemic, I have had opportunity to assemble playlists. As mentioned previously, the activity—thinking about and listening to music—is a little bit of tonic for a pandemic. This past week I put together a playlist of what might be called “smooth” jazz.
Generally, smooth jazz does not hold my interest very long, usually because I quickly tire of its sameness in production and kind. My speculation is that what separates smooth jazz from really smooth jazz is to be found in the way the rhythm sections plays and / or is produced. I am struck by how many examples of a smooth-er jazz that hold my interest have a great rhythm section. If a drummer like Lenny White, a bassist like Lonnie Plaxico, and a keyboardist like Jim Beard are playing, chances are the smooth is really smooth. Solos are important too, of course, and the bluesier the soloist is, the better?