The power of limits

by Paul Burmeister

In his book (1981) on harmonic proportions architect Gyorgy Doczi posed two crucial questions: 1. Have we as a society lost sight of the power of limits?, and 2. Is it possible for us to recover the value of "proper proportions"?
Doczi understood that limits have creative and restrictive effects. As such, limits are part of a natural discipline.
Proper proportions are the natural and logarithmic patterns that produce pleasing differences in a set. These harmonious relationships are universally true. For example, the golden section combines minor (0.618) and major (1.0) parts in a pleasing and functional relatedness.

In my own teaching on limits, I argue that if limits are ignored or resisted then a compensation is due or required, a compensation so extraordinary or unnatural that in the end a limit has been observed.